Martin Haas
Ich bin ein ehrgeiziger Ingenieur (Master of Science in Computer Science ETH Zürich) mit Erfahrung in der Entwicklung von Web- und IoT-Anwendungen: Konzeption, Implementierung, Testen und Wartung von Web- und IoT-Anwendungen. Ich interessiere mich vor allem für die Bereiche Internet der Dinge, Maschinelles Lernen und Web-Technologien.

Monitoring parking spaces using LoRaWAN

Monitored underground parking spaces

A costumer of adnexo has rented a number of parking spaces in a multi-storey car park, which are located on different floors. In order to save the employees time and nerves, they were looking for a simple parking guidance system that could be installed without screws and cables and therefore approached adnexo. With the help of our specially developed ax-dist distance sensor, it can be reliably determined whether a car is in the parking lot. This information is then sent via the LPN of Swisscom and processed on a server. A dashboard informs the employees on which floor there are still free parking spaces.